
Our company structure has transitioned from a Limited Liability Company to a Joint Stock Company, resulting in a change to our tax identification number. Please find our updated information below and kindly update your records accordingly. Should you require any further details or documentation regarding this update, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your records remain accurate and up to date.

3E Elektro Optik Sistemler San. ve Tic. A.S.
ASO 1. OSB Ahi Evran Mahallesi Anadolu Caddesi No: 5 06935 Sincan, Ankara, Türkiye

Ph: +90 (312) 386 14 95
E-Mail: 3e@3eeos.com
/Please use the contact details provided above for any legal correspondence./

Tax Number: 0012724784
Tax Office: Ankara Kurumlar

Commercial Registry Number: 205303
Central Registry Number System (MERSIS) Number: 0001051892700014
D-U-N-S No: 565635349

NATO Cage (NCAGE) Number: T7393

Please click here to view our bank account details.